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ISO 45001

ISO 45001 is aimed at any organization, regardless of its size or structure, in which people work whose health may be affected by the activities they carry out.

ISO 45001 is the international standard that will completely replace OHSAS 18001:2007 as of 12/03/2021.

It establishes the requirements to be met by the occupational health and safety management system so that organizations can optimize the performance of the system, and effectively control the risks associated with their activities, always focused on the protection of people.

ISO 45001 follows the high-level structure approach applied to other ISO standards, so you can benefit from the ease of integrating the requirements of other ISO management system standards into your organization’s management processes.

Advantages of ISO 45001:2018 Certification

Using a management system focused on occupational health and safety in your company will bring you many benefits, among which we highlight mainly:

  • Achieving an adequate preventive management of the company.
  • Improve your ability to respond to compliance issues.
  • Reduce overall incident costs.
  • Reduce downtime and business interruption costs.
  • Reduce the cost of insurance premiums.
  • Reduce absenteeism and employee turnover rates.
  • Excel in public procurement processes.
  • Social security bonuses.
  • International recognition (which in turn can influence customers who are concerned about their social responsibilities).

Transition Process from OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001

  • The transition period will be 3 years, counting from the date of publication of the standard.
  • As of 12/03/2021, any OHSAS certificate will no longer be valid.
  • It is recommended that you do not delay your transition process beyond November 2020.
  • The transition will require additional time, minimum 1 day over the RA or AS times, depending on when the client makes the transition.

Frequently Asked Questions

ISO 45001 Standard

ISO 45001 follows the high-level structure approach that is applied to other ISO standards, such as ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015. In addition, ISO 45001 considers the content of other international standards such as OHSAS 18001 or the International Labour Organization’s OSH-ILO Guidelines, as well as international labor standards and conventions of the ILO.

Therefore, if your organization already has an occupational health and safety system in place, the transition to the new ISO 45001 standard will be relatively easy.

If your organization wishes to implement it and integrate it with other ISO management systems, you can benefit from the ease with which ISO 45001 can be aligned with the requirements of other ISO management system standards in your organization’s management processes.

In any case, EQA will keep you informed of the relevant process to be followed during this transition, as well as providing you with the opportunity to opt for training courses to help you understand the new requirements of ISO 45001 to either make the transition or become certified to ISO 45001 with sufficient guarantees of success.

Recommendations for ISO 45001 certification

  • Obtain a copy of ISO 45001 once it is published.
  • Familiarise yourself with the requirements of the new ISO 45001 standard.
  • Identify differences and possible gaps with your existing management system, if any, to meet the new requirements.
  • Develop an implementation plan towards the standard.
  • Ensure that new competence needs are met and raise awareness of all parties that have an impact on the Health and Safety System.
  • Upgrade your existing system to meet the new requirements so that it can provide evidence of compliance for verification of its effectiveness by an external body.

Contact us for more information on ISO 45001


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