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Energy audit

According to Royal Decree 56/2016, of February 12, large companies must carry out an audit to improve their energy consumption.

What does the RD require?

Carrying out an energy audit every 4 years that covers at least 85% of the final energy consumption of the set of facilities located in the national territory.

What the company can do

Companies may choose to:

  • Carry out an energy audit.
  • Apply an energy or environmental management system, certified by an independent body, as long as it includes an energy audit.


A maximum period of 9 months is established from the date of publication of the RD. Energy audit record. Audits must be registered with the Ministry of Industry within a maximum period of 3 months from their completion.

Who is obligated?

  • Non-SME companies.
  • Companies with more than 250 employees.
  • Companies with a turnover of more than €50 million or more than €43 million on the balance sheet.
  • Groups of companies (according to art 42 of the Commercial Code) whose aggregate magnitudes exceed the previous limits.


According to the provisions of articles 80 and 81 of Law 18/2014:

  • Failure to carry out the energy audit within the legal or regulatory deadline – between 6,000,001 and 60,000,000 euros.
  • Carrying out the energy audit without its content reaching the minimum requirements and criteria established by law or regulations between 600,001 and 6,000,000 euros.

Energy Audit with EQA

EQA carries out third-party energy audits, providing confidence in its results and verifying energy efficiency in companies, which can reduce energy consumption to reduce costs and promote economic, social, and environmental sustainability.

The energy audit is a systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining evidence and its objective evaluation in an organization or part of it, with the aim of:

  • Obtain reliable knowledge of energy consumption and its associated cost.
  • Identify and characterize the factors that affect energy consumption.
  • Detecting and evaluating the different savings opportunities improves energy efficiency and diversification and its impact on energy and maintenance costs, as well as other associated benefits and costs.

The cases in which it is most common to carry out an energy audit are:

  • Lack of control or ignorance of consumption habits.
  • In inefficient facilities.
  • In facilities with little or poor maintenance.
  • When you suspect that you are not achieving good returns.

Frequently Asked Questions

Goals of the energy audit

The goals of an energy audit are the following:

  • Inventory the main existing equipment and facilities.
  • Know the current energy situation, as well as the operation and efficiency of equipment and facilities.
  • Carry out measurements and records of the main electrical, thermal and comfort parameters.
  • Analyze the possibilities of optimizing the supply of fuel, electrical energy and water consumption.
  • Analyze the possibility of installing renewable energies.
  • Propose improvements.
  • Carry out your technical and economic evaluation.


More information about the goals of the energy audit.

European Energy Efficiency Directive

On October 25, 2012, the European Energy Efficiency Directive was adopted. This directive forces the industry, and society in general, to change their behavioral patterns as energy consumers. Its main objectives are to help reduce energy consumption in the European Union by 20% by 2020.

Two points of this regulation should be highlighted:

  • “Large companies included in the scope of application of article 2 (not SMEs) must undergo an energy audit no later than December 5, 2015, and at least every four years from the date of the audit. previous energetic.”
  • “In order to justify compliance with the previous obligation, obligated companies may use one or both of the following alternatives:
  1. a) Carry out an energy audit that meets the minimum guidelines indicated in section 4.
  2. b) Apply an energy or environmental management system, certified by an independent body in accordance with the corresponding European or international standards, provided that the management system in question includes an energy audit carried out in accordance with the minimum guidelines indicated in section 4.”

More information about the European Energy Efficiency Directive.

Energy certification of buildings in accordance with Royal Decree 235/2013

Steps to obtain the certificate: If you want to sell or rent your property, we will prepare the energy certificate. According to the data provided (m2, typology, etc.) we prepare a personalized budget. If approved, the responsible technician will visit the property and collect exhaustive data. We carry out the energy certificate adjusting as closely as possible to reality with the recognized programs.

We prepare the proposal for improvement measures, advising you on how to improve your energy rating. If you wish, we will register the certificate with the competent body and provide you with the energy label.

The energy certificate is the official document drawn up by a competent technician that contains information on the energy characteristics and energy efficiency rating of a property.

Effective date

Mandatory from June 1, 2013


  • Professionalism and quality.
  • Registration in the competent body.
  • Proposal for improvement measures.

Types of Certificates

  • Energy certificates for the residential sector.
  • Small tertiary energy certificates.
  • Large tertiary energy certificates.

More information about energy certification in accordance with Royal Decree 235/2013.

Energy saving certification (EVO)

The certification of measurement and verification of energy savings according to the International Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP)©, defined by EVO (Efficiency Valuation Organization), is the process by which the efficiency, performance and savings produced in a company are determined. energy installation.

In optimizing energy efficiency, it is not enough to take certain measures based on theoretical calculations, but this improvement must also be able to be measured, analyzed and monitored continuously in order to verify if the actions taken are really efficient and if the expected savings are being met. . In this way, the results of the estimated consumption of the centers are guaranteed, as well as the savings achieved as a guarantee in savings projects shared between energy service companies and properties.

We have technicians certified by EVO for the development of measurement and verification plans according to the international protocol (IPMVP).

More information about the EVO energy saving certification.

Contact us for more information about Energy Audit


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