Climate Projects
Climate Projects have been developed in Spain with the aim of reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. They are a financing instrument, promoted through the FES-CO2, whose objective is to redirect national economic activity towards low-carbon models, thus contributing to the Spanish objectives of reducing GHG emissions in the diffuse sector (agriculture and livestock; residential, commercial and institutional; fluorinated gases; industry outside emissions trading; waste management; transport sector).
Emission reductions generated by projects located in the national territory, reported annually to the FES-CO2, will be verified by accredited greenhouse gas verifiers in accordance with the applicable regulations. The Climate Project receives a payment for each tonne of CO2 equivalent (tCO2e) reduced and verified.
Currently, almost 400 emission reduction projects have been approved, contributing to Spain’s progress towards a green economy and a low-carbon society.
Climate project requirements
The requirements for the reduction of emissions through Climate Projects are as follows:
- Be additional to that derived from the sectoral regulations established in the applicable legislation in force.
- To come from installations and sectors that are not subject to the emissions trading scheme.
- Be measurable and verifiable, so that it is reflected in Spain’s greenhouse gas inventory.
- Calculated in accordance with methodologies to be approved by the Governing Board.
Verification of climate projects with EQA
EQA is accredited by ENAC, no. 1/VV028, for the Verification of European Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Reports on the monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions in application of Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.
EQA guarantees the accuracy of the verified data, ensuring a transparent and consistent verification process, always complying with the guidelines established by FES-CO2 in the Manual for the verification of Emission Reduction Climate Projects.
Frequently Asked Questions
Application sectors of Climate Projects
They are designed for “diffuse sectors”, which are not subject to the European Emissions Trading Scheme.
The Climate Projects’ emission reduction calculation methodologies apply to:
- Modal shift in freight transport.
- Elimination of fluorinated gases.
- District networks.
- Composting.
- Hybrid and electric buses.
- Landfill sites.
- Electric vehicles.
- Biomethanisation.
- Residential energy efficiency.
- Fuel switching.
- Industrial energy efficiency.
- Livestock waste management.
- Solar irrigation.
- Waste heat.
- Mining methane removal.
- Efficient conduction.
- Projection of insulating foams.
- Change of truck fleets.
- Geothermal energy.
- Maritime transport.
- Integral actions in cities.
- Electrification with renewable energies in off-grid areas.
- Methane reduction in rice cultivation.
- Sustainable tillage techniques.
- Wastewater treatment.
More information on the application sectors of the Climate Projects.
Contact us for more information about Climate Projects
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