ENI – National Interoperability Scheme
The National Interoperability Scheme establishes the principles and guidelines of interoperability in the exchange and storage of electronic information by Public Administrations, always guaranteeing the security and protection of personal data. It is also necessary to ensure efficient operation, so that the provision of services is carried out in a simple manner.
Goals of ENI
The National Interoperability Scheme pursues the following goals:
- Understand the criteria and recommendations that must be considered by public administrations when making technological decisions that guarantee interoperability and avoid discrimination against citizens due to their technological choice. And that, therefore, contributes to creating the necessary conditions for interoperability in the use of electronic media that allow citizens and administrations to exercise rights and fulfill duties through these media.
- Provide the common elements that must guide the actions of public administrations in matters of interoperability, to facilitate the interaction of public administrations, as well as the communication of interoperability requirements to the industry.
- Facilitate the implementation of security policies, by contributing to a scenario of greater technical rationality and economies of scale.
Contact us for more information about the National Interoperability Scheme
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Calle Joaquín Bau nº 2 | 1ª Planta | Escalera Derecha | 28036 Madrid
Tel. +34 913 078 648