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ISO 22716 – Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)

Certain ingredients used in cosmetics, such as fragrances and preservatives, can trigger allergic reactions. These ingredients are a fundamental part of the cosmetic products we use and therefore the concept of quality assurance in manufacturing processes is of vital importance.

ISO 22716 provides a comprehensive approach to a management system and establishes guidelines for the production, control, storage and dispatch for professionals manufacturing cosmetic products. These guidelines are intended to provide Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) guidance, in line with the fundamentals set out in the new European Regulation for the cosmetics industry.

The aim is to eliminate and prevent quality deficiencies and their impact on consumers. This standard ensures full integration with quality management systems based on other standards such as ISO 9001.

European Regulation 1223/2009

According to the European Regulation 1223/2009, it is mandatory for manufacturers of cosmetic products to comply with good practice requirements (GMP). The implementation of GMP becomes an essential requirement for these manufacturers from July 2013.

Advantages of ISO 22716

  • Integrates typical process and product quality requirements, Good Manufacturing Practice requirements with other quality standards.
  • Allows easy implementation in all organisations of all sizes and levels of complexity.
  • Forms an internationally accepted basis for quality and safety compliance in the cosmetic supply chain.
  • Promotes compliance with regulations adopted by regulators worldwide.
  • Controls and reduces the hazard of cosmetic products and promotes continuous improvement throughout the distribution chain.

Frequently Asked Questions

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)

These guidelines are intended to provide a guide to Good Manufacturing Practice for the cosmetics industry taking into account the specific needs of this sector. They provide practical and organisational advice concerning the management of human, technical and administrative factors affecting product quality. They have been drafted to allow their use by following the flow of products from reception to dispatch.

Good practices, in particular, should focus on:

  • Human resources and infrastructure.
  • Raw materials and packaging material.
  • Process control and quality control laboratory.
  • Subcontracting.
Cosmetics and business process quality

ISO 22716 combines the benefits of a business management tool that links cosmetic and business process quality with the ability to meet the growing requirements of global customers for cosmetic product safety.

The result is an international, auditable and certifiable standard that establishes the necessary requirements for cosmetic product safety management systems, incorporating the elements of GMP and risk assessment in combination with a comprehensive quality management system, compatible with ISO 9001.

  • Establish adequate manufacturing control.
  • To ensure quality in the production, storage, preservation and dispatch of cosmetic products.
  • To ensure the maximum quality of the products.
  • To obtain maximum safety for consumers.

Contact us for more information on ISO 22716


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