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EN 9120 – Aviation, Aerospace and Defence

EN 9120 is applicable to organisations that buy, stock, divide and sell parts, materials and assemblies within the aviation, space and defence sectors without affecting product conformity (neither manufacture nor repair), thus to stockists and distributors.

This standard is intended to be used by organisations that provide parts, materials and assemblies and resell these products to a customer in the aviation, space and defence industry. This includes organisations that stockpile products and separate them into smaller quantities. This standard is not intended for organisations that service or repair products.

EN 9120 Certification: Advantages

  • Increased competitiveness, through certification according to the ICOP scheme, which is recognised worldwide.
  • Improvement of the company’s prestige and image.
  • Reduction in the number of customer audits.
  • Worldwide recognition by being included in a database as a supplier of aerospace products and services (OASIS).

Certification with EQA

EQA Spain was the first certification body to be accredited by ENAC. It has been at the forefront of EN 9120 certification since the beginning of the implementation of the Other Party Certification Scheme, with auditors of great experience and recognition in the sector.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is EN 9120

EN 9120 is based on EN 9100 and includes requirements from ISO 9001 and additional requirements, applicable to stockist distributors in the aerospace industry, etc.

They involve the following requirements:

  • Manufacturer identification, certificate of airworthiness, certificate of conformity.
  • Notification of the supplier of non-conforming products and changes to the product definition.
  • Maintenance of batch traceability from receipt to delivery.
  • Maintenance of product identification after batch splitting.
  • Maintenance of product configuration identification.

More information on EN 9120.

Companies that can be certified to EN 9120

EN 9120 is applicable to organisations that buy, store, divide and sell parts, materials and for the aeronautical, space or defence sector without affecting the conformity of the product, i.e. without manufacturing or repair: stockist distributors. The certification has been in force since February 2006.

Aerospace industry requirements

TEDAE companies (among which are the main manufacturers in the sector, such as AIRBUS, ADS, ITP, INDRA or AERNNOVA) require EN 9120 certification for all suppliers who carry out distribution activities in this sector.

We have more information about the companies that can be certified in EN 9120.

Contact us for more information about EN 9120


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Calle Joaquín Bau nº 2 | 1ª Planta | Escalera Derecha | 28036 Madrid