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Next Generation EU Trust

To ensure the arrival of funds and achieve the objectives set out in the Recovery and Resilience Plan, it is necessary to provide mechanisms that, on a voluntary or mandatory basis, generate confidence and facilitate project eligibility.

All the regulations that are being developed within the EU to structure the change of economic and social model towards sustainability are supported by independent verification to provide confidence to the different measures that are being implemented.

EQA has specific independent assessment services to build confidence in the alignment of Next Generation EU funds.

Next Generation EU Timetable
  • July 2020: Next Generation EU Instrument – EU Action.
  • December 2020: RDL 36/2020 Urgent Public Administration and PRTR implementation measures – Spanish Government Action.
  • February 2021: Regulation Recovery and Resilience Mechanisms – EU Action.
  • April 2021: Presentation of Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan – Spanish Government Action.
  • June 2021: Deadline for the issuance of the Opinion by the European Commission – EU Action.
  • July 2021: Deadline for the issuance of the Opinion by the European Council – EU Action.
  • December 2021: Definition of monitoring scoreboard – EU Action.
  • 2022: Decision on second tranche allocation – EU Action.
  • December 2022: Allocation ceiling for first tranche transfers (70%) – Allocation of funds.
  • December 2023: First tranche transfer limit (30%) – Allocation of funds.
  • December 2026: Project implementation deadline – Spanish Government Action.

Contact us for more information about Next Generation EU Trust


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ESG services

Governance Documents


R&D&I Certification                                         

R&D&I tax deductions

Bonuses for Research Personnel

Innovative SME

Young Innovative Enterprise

Other R&D&I evaluations

UNESCO Experts Selection

Motivated Reports


Climate Change                                           

Carbon Footprint

Verification of Greenhouse Gases


Energy Audit

Climate Projects

Circular Economy

Compensation mechanisms


Next Generation Trust                                            


European Taxonomy

Recovery and Resilience Plan


Urban Planning Licenses                                  






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Calle Joaquín Bau nº 2 | 1ª Planta | Escalera Derecha | 28036 Madrid