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Criminal Compliance Certification UNE 19601 Accredited by ENAC 

The objective of the UNE 19601 standard [former UNE 307101 project] is to establish a structure and methodology for implementing in organisations the organisation and management models to prevent the crimes contemplated in article 31 bis of the Criminal Code. 

This standard is certifiable in the same way as the ISO 37001:2016 standard, i.e. it has been developed so that third party audit and certification bodies, through their independent audit process, can confirm compliance with the requirements of the standard. In this way, confidence can be given to third parties, which may include customers, suppliers, administrations or courts. 

Due to the special importance of the subject matter and the consequences of non-compliance, it is advisable to rely on the guarantee offered by an ENAC Accredited Certification Body such as EQA, which has been operating in the world of accredited certification for over 25 years, periodically audited by ENAC and already has the appropriate procedures and material and human resources for the auditing of management models. 

ENAC is the entity designated by the Government to operate in Spain as the only National Accreditation Body in application of Regulation (EC) 765/2008 which regulates the operation of accreditation in the European Union. 

If your organisation has implemented and executes a Crime Prevention Model or Plan in accordance with the UNE 19601 standard and you want to ensure that this model adequately complies with the requirements, EQA includes among its services the Accredited Certification of Criminal Compliance in accordance with UNE 19601, which allows you to be sure that your Crime Prevention Plan is suitable for your organisation and is properly implemented. 

* Scope of the ENAC Accreditation granted to EQA  >>>

UNE 19601 certification diagram 

diagrama penal

Frequently Asked Questions

Can EQA help me design and implement my criminal compliance management system in accordance with UNE 19601?

No. EQA is a verification and certification body and does not provide advisory or consultancy services in its areas of activity. Our work consists of auditing and, where appropriate, certifying that your compliance management system has been designed in accordance with the reference standard, is implemented in your organisation and is being executed correctly. 

In my organisation we have implemented a crime prevention plan/model, but it has not been carried out following the structure of the UNE 19601 standard. Is it possible to certify it?

In order to undertake a certification process with guarantees of success, it is advisable that this crime prevention plan/model acquires the structure of the standard. To do this, you may need to plan a transition project prior to starting the certification process. In any case, at EQA we can audit your crime prevention plan/model, even if it is not designed in accordance with UNE 19601, although this audit will not result in a certificate of conformity but in a verification report issued by an independent third party.

These verification reports are requested in some areas, although the expectation is that organisations will gradually replace the request for verification reports with the request for compliance certificates; an example of this is, for example, the football league, although there are many other business areas in this same transitional situation. 

I have already implemented my criminal compliance management system in accordance with UNE 19601, is certification mandatory?

Undergoing a management system audit and certification process is – in principle – a voluntary matter. However, one of the natural objectives of implementing a system in accordance with a certifiable standard is precisely to undergo the audit process and obtain a certificate of compliance. The certificate is the reliable way to expose to third parties that the organisation really has a compliance management system in place. 

Although certification is a voluntary matter, there are certain markets where having a certificate can make the difference between being able to compete and being left out. On the other hand, auditing and certifying your system allows you to ensure that your system is alive in your organisation and can help you to detect deviations and non-compliances, thus supporting the internal control work of the organisation. 

What are the legal implications of certifying my criminal compliance management system?

Obtaining a certificate of conformity of the compliance management system can be a valuable tool and a solid indication in favour of the organisation in the event that a corporate crime has taken place. Thus, the Presidency of the National Court of Justice has pointed out that ‘It is a recognised and prestigious certificate; it gives a pre-trial seal of approval that it has been complied with. 

On his part, Supreme Court Justice Magistrate Vicente Magro has pointed out that ‘having a compliance system based on reference standards, audited, certified and comparable with third parties, will be an extremely valuable and consistent support when it comes to invoking a possible exemption from liability for a crime attributable to the legal person’. It is important to note, however, that it is the courts that will make the final decision, and that a certificate will not replace this assessment in court, although it may substantially reinforce it. 

By implementing my UNE 19601 criminal compliance management system, I consider that I have integrated an anti-bribery system insofar as I have already assessed the bribery risks and established control measures in relation to them Can I certify both systems?

In most cases it will be possible in the same audit process for the organisation to undergo a certification process according to UNE 19601 for its criminal compliance management system and a certification process according to ISO 37001, the international standard for preventing, detecting and, where appropriate, responding to bribery.

This is possible insofar as both standards share an almost identical structure, so that a robust UNE 19601 system should have integrated most of the requirements that an ISO 37001 system should integrate. In any case, this is an option that will depend on the organisation concerned, and in no case is it compulsory to undergo both certification processes at the same time. 

By implementing my UNE 19601 criminal compliance management system, I have expanded the risk assessment with those that, without reaching tax crime, can give rise to tax contingencies: establishing additional control measures in relation to them. Can I certify this 'extended' management system?

In these cases, it is possible that, in the same audit process, the organisation undergoes a certification process in accordance with UNE 19601 for its criminal compliance management system and a certification process in accordance with UNE 19602 for its tax compliance management system.

This is possible insofar as both standards share a practically identical structure, although the organisation must have designed a truly integrated management system for both standards. In any case, this is an option that will depend on the organisation concerned, and in no case is it compulsory to undergo both certification processes at the same time. 

Can any entity audit and certify my criminal compliance management system in accordance with UNE 19601?

In principle, certification bodies are the subjects called upon to carry out these auditing and certification processes, as they are organisations that have been providing this type of services for decades, experts in working under the premises of independence, impartiality and technical competence. Moreover, those that have made a firm commitment to compliance – as is the case of EQA – will tend to have solid structures and their own staff with exclusive dedication to undertake these projects. 

In principle, using accredited certification bodies can be an indication that the entity meets the appropriate levels of independence, impartiality and competence. Our compliance division manager published an article in Cinco Días giving more details on this issue. 

Contact us for more information on UNE 19601 


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