About us
EQA is an international certification, verification and inspection entity, with more than 26 years of experience.
We have business lines in R&D&I, Management Systems, Next Generation Funds, Climate Change and Circular Economy, Energy, Corporate Social Responsibility, Compliance, Sustainable Finance and Information Security, among others.
EQA was founded in 1993 in the United Kingdom. We have been present in Spain since 1997, we operate nationally throughout the Spanish territory, as well as internationally in countries such as Chile, Mexico, Colombia and the Dominican Republic.
Most of our services are accredited by ENAC (National Accreditation Entity).
Our mission is to carry out third-party work in a competent, objective and independent manner, providing all interested parties with the confidence and security necessary to facilitate correct decision-making. Also, to provide personalized service with a focus on customer service based on deep technical knowledge, adaptation to the uniqueness of each organization and continuous improvement.
To be a reference certification entity for all organizations that want to demonstrate their commitment to society, the environment, business partners, clients and workers, promoting the use of independent and competent external evaluation to contribute to the sustainable growth of society by providing reliability, transparency, knowledge and security. To be an organization that, leading by example and assuming a commitment to the initiatives that promote compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals, grows based on technology, innovation and the development of capabilities of the team that comprises it.
- In our relationship with people: integrity, respect and active listening.
- In our work: adaptability, commitment, entrepreneurial spirit, objectivity, independence and technical competence.
Our data
- More than 9,500 evaluations per year.
- We collaborate with 80% of the IBEX 35 companies.
- More than 230 people on staff.
- More than 2,700 collaborators.
EQA, international ESG verifier
We began our journey in environmental issues through the Climate Change division, 15 years ago, providing verification services for the Carbon Footprint Calculation, verification of Greenhouse Gas Emission, audit of energy expenditure, calculation of Energy Savings, Projects Climate, End of Waste Condition and Ecodesign.
Subsequently, we created our Compliance division, with the verification and certification of Anti-Bribery, Criminal Compliance, Tax Compliance, Money Laundering Prevention and verification of Crime Prevention models.
In this same line, we perform verifications in Corporate Social Responsibility in non-financial matters, both legal compliance and voluntary, through verification services of Sustainability Reports based on GRI, ISO 26000, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and United Nations Global Compact standards.
Given the challenge posed by Climate Change and its effects on the environment and the global economy, we are faced with the need to move towards a low-carbon economy that is resilient to the impacts of global warming, allowing us to meet the objectives of the Paris Climate Agreement.
Sustainable Finance arises to adequately manage the opportunities and risks that this transition process represents, providing markets, countries and the financial sector with instruments to achieve sustainable development with greater efficiency, competitiveness, equity and economic growth.
EQA has developed a business line in Sustainable Finance and is an approved verifier by Climate Bonds Initiative – CBI for the verification of climate bonds and loans. CBI, which holds the most internationally recognized standard for the certification of climate bonds, grants this accreditation to EQA for its experience, technical capacity and independence demonstrated throughout its operation.

Our experience in the public sector
• Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation: Certification of R&D&I projects to obtain R&D&I tax benefits. (RD1432/2003).
• Ministry of Science, Technology and Telecommunications of Costa Rica: Integral management of evaluation of R&D&I projects in the field of prevention, detection, treatment and health sequelae derived from Covid-19.
• Chilean Development Corporation – CORFO, Chile: Comprehensive management of evaluation of R&D&I projects submitted to CORFO through its funding instruments. To date, EQA has evaluated more than 1,200 projects for CORFO at national and regional level.
• Agency for Enterprise Competitiveness – ACCIÓ, Spain: Scientific and technical evaluation of industrial research and experimental development projects.
• Innovation and Development Agency of Andalusia – IDEA, Spain: Scientific and technical evaluation of R&D&I projects.
• Development Institute of the Region of Murcia – INFO, Spain: Scientific-technical evaluation of R&D projects of technological centers of the region of Murcia, which will receive grants.
• Galician Innovation Agency – GAIN, Spain: Scientific-technical evaluation of R&D projects submitted to the program: “Industrias del Futuro 4.0 – Fábrica Inteligente” (Industries of the Future 4.0 – Smart Factory).
• Valencian Innovation Agency – AVI, Spain: Evaluation of the scientific-technical excellence, technological maturity and degree of novelty in the innovation of projects with R&D&I content.
• General Directorate of Innovation of the Government of Navarra, Spain: Evaluation of applications submitted to the 2020 call for grants to technology centers and research organizations for the implementation of collaborative R&D projects.

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