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Selection of Expert Evaluators for R&D&I Projects


We are in constant search of Technical Experts evaluators for the realization of evaluation reports in:

  • R&D&I Tax Deductions

  • Research personnel bonuses

  • Innovative SME / Young Innovative Enterprise

The minimum requirements to be an Evaluator of this type of projects are:

  • To be in possession of a university degree.

  • Minimum work experience of 8 years, 4 of them in R&D&I activities. A doctorate degree will count as 4 years.

Selection of Evaluators of other products

* You can also send us your data through the form for other types of evaluations. We are in the process of looking for evaluators with competences, among others, of:

  • Industry 4.0.
  • CSR.
  • Finanzas sostenibles.
  • Circular Economy.
  • Criminal Compliance.
  • Social innovation.

  • Management Systems.

  • DNSH.

  • Information Security.


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Governance Documents


R&D&I Certification                                         

R&D&I tax deductions

Bonuses for Research Personnel

Innovative SME

Young Innovative Enterprise

Other R&D&I evaluations

UNESCO Experts Selection

Motivated Reports


Climate Change                                           

Carbon Footprint

Verification of Greenhouse Gases


Energy Audit

Climate Projects

Circular Economy

Compensation mechanisms


Next Generation Trust                                            


European Taxonomy

Recovery and Resilience Plan


Urban Planning Licenses                                  






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Calle Joaquín Bau nº 2 | 1ª Planta | Escalera Derecha | 28036 Madrid