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Sustainable Finance

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EQA provides Second-Party Opinion and Verification services in the following lines:

EQA, ESG Independent Verifier

EQA’s opinion builds confidence in the Sustainable Finance market


The Sustainable Finance market is experiencing a growing demand from investors, companies in the financial and non-financial sector, public administration and society in general.

Today, the search for financing not only involves securing acceptable financial returns, but also ensuring a substantial environmental and social contribution that guarantees a positive impact on the environment and society. Consequently, the market has evolved, and so has the way of financing.

Initiatives around sustainable finance are varied, from issuing a green bond, to obtaining a sustainability-linked loan, to setting up impact funds. All of them have one component in common: transparency.

EQA, ESG verification and certification entity, plays a relevant role in the Sustainable Finance market, being the independent verification entity par excellence that, through its opinion, provides confidence on sustainability initiatives that wish to opt for a sustainable finance label.

EQA plays a key role from the design phase of the initiative to the reporting phase, providing confidence in the sustainability strategy, the objectives, the suitability of the measurement indicators, the fulfilment of the objectives, the adequate management of the funds and, finally, the real impact generated by the financing and/or investment. All this through two fundamental pillars:


Technical competence

climate bonds initiative
EQA is a CBI approved verifier for the verification of Climate Bonds and Climate Loans
logo icma
EQA is an external verifier included in ICMA's official list of external reviewers for the verification of Sustainable Bonds
validacion dnsh
EQA is the first entity accredited in Spain by ENAC for the Validation of compliance with the DNSH Principle

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    E-mail: finanzassostenibles@eqa.es


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    R&D&I Certification                                         

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    Bonuses for Research Personnel

    Innovative SME

    Young Innovative Enterprise

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    UNESCO Experts Selection

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    Climate Change                                           

    Carbon Footprint

    Verification of Greenhouse Gases


    Energy Audit

    Climate Projects

    Circular Economy

    Compensation mechanisms


    Next Generation Trust                                            


    European Taxonomy

    Recovery and Resilience Plan


    Urban Planning Licenses                                  






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    Calle Joaquín Bau nº 2 | 1ª Planta | Escalera Derecha | 28036 Madrid