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UNE 66181 – Virtual Training

The UNE 66181:2012 Standard specifies the characteristics that define the quality of virtual training, increasing transparency and confidence in this market. It allows organisations that have implemented a quality e-learning offer to be clearly recognised, improving their marketing possibilities.

It offers a tool to identify training offers in a clear and simple way, through the qualification of three fundamental aspects: assimilation, employability and accessibility, associated with each training action.

By certifying training projects through this standard, the competitiveness and innovation capacity of training is improved, based on the use of new information and communication technologies (ICT).

Advantages of UNE 66181

The UNE 66181:2012 Standard has the following advantages for companies:

  • Easy integration with other quality management systems (ISO 9001).
  • Increases the degree of customer satisfaction.
  • It allows to provide an adequate service adapted to the needs of the labour market.
  • Accessibility, for people with disabilities.
  • It provides a greater capacity to stimulate the user in training.
  • It is a differentiating element compared to other training actions.

Advantages of UNE 66181 for clients:

  • The UNE 66181 standard is a guide to identify the characteristics of virtual training actions, so that purchasers of virtual training can select the products that best meet their needs and expectations, and so that suppliers can improve their offer and thus the satisfaction of their customers or students.
  • Customers can use this standard to compare the training offer with quality levels on the degree of employability that the training will bring, the degree of ease of assimilation and accessibility; as well as other useful general information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Standards related to UNE 66181

UNE 66181 is related to other standards that should be consulted:

  • UNE 139801:2003. Computer applications for people with disabilities. Computer accessibility requirements. Hardware.
  • UNE 139802:2009. Software accessibility requirements.
  • UNE 139803:2012. Accessibility requirements for web contents.
  • UNE-EN ISO 9000. Quality management systems. Fundamentals and vocabulary.
  • UNE-EN ISO 9001. Quality management systems. Requirements.


We extend the information on the standards related to UNE 66181.

Context of UNE 66181:2012

Globalisation and the development of training based on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) have contributed to improving and expanding the educational offer. The current educational offer is immense and potential students must have tools that allow them to make a choice of training that can meet their needs, as we do not have the existence of a public and standardised system that identifies the characteristics of virtual training products.

The great progress made in recent years in information technology and the Internet has given rise to a new way of teaching: virtual training. This type of training means that learning is no longer restricted by lack of time, limited timetables or the need to travel to a different geographical location.

This situation has generated the need to develop a standard for the quality management of virtual training, the UNE 66181:2012 Standard, a certification standard that serves as a guide to identify the characteristics of online training actions, so that recipients can select the actions that best suit their needs and so that managers and developers can improve their training offer to ensure the satisfaction of students.

More information on the context of UNE 66181.

UNE 66181 satisfaction factors

The UNE 66181 standard establishes a system of quality indicators, as well as a scale of five quality levels for each of the identified factors.



The minimum general information must contain:

  • Name or description of the training action.
  • Subject(s) of the training action.
  • Type of training: self-training, e-learning or blended learning.
  • Dedication required: study and tutoring time.
  • Prior training required.
  • Software required.

The information will be useful for:

  • Buyers and users.
  • Suppliers


The ability of an individual to integrate into the labour market or to improve his or her current employment status. Defining parameters:

  • Market demand.
  • Recognition of the training: by the authorities, by the labour market and by the training provider.


Accessibility is the condition that environments, products and services must meet in order to be understandable, usable and practicable for all people. Accessibility applied to Internet content is called web accessibility.

Limitations in the accessibility of websites:

  • Visual.
  • Motor.
  • Auditory.
  • Cognitive.

Parameters defining ease of assimilation:

  • Hardware accessibility.
  • Software accessibility.
  • Web accessibility.

Ease of assimilation

It is the capacity of the virtual training action to stimulate the user to understand the contents and favour learning.

Barriers to virtual training:

  • Feeling of loneliness.
  • Computer skills.
  • Different way of learning.
  • Space and time for study.
  • Technical limitations.
  • Cultural barriers.

Parameters defining ease of assimilation:

  • Interactivity.
  • Tutoring.

The quality levels are presented in a graduation from level 1 “initial” to level 5 “excellent”, so that clients and users have more information about the training offer and can be compared.

We extend the information on the satisfaction factors of the UNE 66181.

Contact us for more information about UNE 66181


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