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R&D&I Evaluations

EQA has a service of technical/economic evaluations of R&D&I projects for different purposes:

  • Evaluations under foral regulation (Araba Foral Regulation 37/2013, Bizkaia Foral Regulation 11/2013, Gipuzkoa Foral Regulation 2/2014, Navarra Foral Law 26/2016).
  • External Expert Evaluations required in the presentation of the application for public aid (NEOTEC, CREATE-CV…), or for the justification of an aid already granted by regional or state administrations.
  • Complementary evaluations for R&D deductions abroad.
  • TRL (Technological Readiness Level) evaluations; assessment of the degree of technological maturity.
  • Scientific-technical evaluations for public administrations.

* In certain cases, these evaluations will be incompatible with a subsequent certification by EQA, since they do not fall under the ENAC accreditation scheme.

Contact us for more information about Other R&D&I Evaluations.


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R&D&I tax deductions

Bonuses for Research Personnel

Innovative SME

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Other R&D&I evaluations

UNESCO Experts Selection

Motivated Reports


Climate Change                                           

Carbon Footprint

Verification of Greenhouse Gases


Energy Audit

Climate Projects

Circular Economy

Compensation mechanisms


Next Generation Trust                                            


European Taxonomy

Recovery and Resilience Plan


Urban Planning Licenses                                  






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