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ISO 31000 Risk Management Declaration of Conformity

The long-term success of an organization depends on various aspects, from continually evaluating and updating its offering to optimizing its processes. As if that were not challenging enough, they must also take the unexpected into account in risk management.

The ISO 31000 Good Practice Standard on Guidelines for Risk Management provides principles, as well as a framework and process for risk management. It can be used by any type of organization, regardless of its size, activity, or sector.

Following the guidelines proposed by this standard can help organizations increase the probability of achieving objectives, improve the identification of opportunities and threats, and effectively allocate and use resources to address risks.

Although the ISO 31000 standard cannot be certified as if it were a management system, the application of its guidelines by an organization can be subject to external evaluation. EQA includes among its audit services the one aimed at obtaining a Declaration of Conformity regarding the application of the guidelines contained in this good practice standard, following an audit process based on international good practices in terms of certification, inspection, validation, and verification.

Implementing and evaluating the application of the guidelines of this standard is evidence of the sustainable vision that must guide an organization and its management at the highest level, as well as the existence of good corporate governance guidelines within it.

ISO 31000 certification diagram 

diagrama ISO 31000

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