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Global Compact 

The Global Compact, or UN Global Compact, is a United Nations initiative for business. The framework requires organisations to adopt, support and promulgate, within their sphere of influence, a set of core values in the areas of human rights, labour standards, environment and anti-corruption. 

To report on its performance, the adhering organisation must annually produce a document called a Communication or Progress Report, which explains the evolution of its compliance with the principles of the covenant. 

Companies have two options regarding this benchmark: 

  1. Adhere and become a partner of the Global Compact initiative. The submission of Progress Reports is mandatory. 
  2. Adopt the pact’s methodology for drafting their Sustainability Reports. 


Global Compact Principles for Business 

  1. Respect for fundamental human rights. 
  2. Ensure that their activities do not violate human rights. 
  3. Support the freedom of association of their workers and recognise the right to collective bargaining. 
  4. Eliminate all forms of forced and compulsory labour. 
  5. Support the eradication of child labour. 
  6. Support the abolition of discriminatory practices in employment and occupation. 
  7. Maintain a precautionary approach to environmental protection. 
  8. Encourage initiatives that promote greater environmental responsibility. 
  9. Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. 
  10. Work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery. 


Contact us for more information about Global Compact 


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Governance Documents


R&D&I Certification                                         

R&D&I tax deductions

Bonuses for Research Personnel

Innovative SME

Young Innovative Enterprise

Other R&D&I evaluations

UNESCO Experts Selection

Motivated Reports


Climate Change                                           

Carbon Footprint

Verification of Greenhouse Gases


Energy Audit

Climate Projects

Circular Economy

Compensation mechanisms


Next Generation Trust                                            


European Taxonomy

Recovery and Resilience Plan


Urban Planning Licenses                                  






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